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Missouri State Rail Plan Open House 10/26/2011

Missouri Department of Transportation will be hosting an open house and discussion about the movement of goods and people by freight and passenger rail. The workshop will be held Wednesday 10/26/2011,  5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Kirkwood Amtrak Station (110 Argonne, Kirkwood, MO 63122). MODOT is developing a Statewide Rail Plan that will … Continued

URS Hiring Transportation Civil Engineer

Post Date: Oct 11, 2011 Location: St Louis, MO, US Requisition Number: URS60537 Interest Category: Engineering Interest Sub Category: Engineering – Transportation Job Title : Transportation Civil Engineer Employment Category/Status: part-time Type of Position: Temporary Country: U.S. State: Missouri City: St Louis Minimum Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or appropriate discipline. Minimum five years … Continued

Cella Speaks at Carnahan Press Conference on HR3200

Yesterday Congressman Carnahan held a press conference honoring the filing of HR 3200 – “The Local Flexibility for Transit Assistance Act.”  CMT Executive Director Kimberly Cella joined Carnahan, Linda Dopuch (MCU), and John Nations (Metro) in speaking at the event. Below are her remarks: Good morning, I am Kim Cella, executive Director of Citizens for … Continued

CMT & Vantage Credit Union Team Up

CMT & Vantage Credit Union’s Young & Free St. Louis team up to show you how to use the MetroLink. Associate Director Seth Teel worked with Jenn Cloud of Young & Free St. Louis put together this instructional video. Young & Free St. Louis is effort from Vantage Credit Union to better serve their 18-to-25 … Continued

Carnahan to Hold Press Conference Announcing Filing of HR 3200

Last week congressman Russ Carnahan introduced HR 3200 – “The Local Flexibility for Transit Assistance Act.”  In honor of this important piece of legislation Carnahan will be holding a press conference tomorrow Thursday October 20, 2011 at the  Civic Center MetroLink & Metrobus Transfer Center. The press conference will begin at 10:00 am. For more … Continued

MO River Runner Has Temporary Schedule Change

Amtrak’s Missouri River Runner, which has service between Kansas City and St. Louis, will have a temporary schedule change to accommodate repairs to the Union Pacific railroad lines it uses.  October 16 – 20 trains will leave Union Station in Kansas City at 6:00 A.M. instead of its regularly scheduled 8:15 A.M.  Trains will arrive … Continued

MODOT Developing New State Rail Plan

The Missouri Department of Transportation is developing a new State Rail Plan that will provide the strategic framework for the development of freight and passenger rail service in Missouri for the next 20 years.  It is important that we hear from you to ensure we incorporate Missourians’ needs into this process.  You are invited to … Continued

Carnahan Introduces Local Flexibility for Transit Assistance Act

Dear Citizens for Modern Transit: Last year alone, Americans took over 10 billion trips on public transit. As transit agencies work to serve the growing demand for public transportation, these agencies are facing shortfalls in state and local revenues and unpredictable fuel prices. This means many transit agencies are being forced to cut services, raise … Continued

Amtrak Celebrates Record Ridership But May Face Funding Cuts

Yesterday Amtrak celebrated its 30 millionth rider for FY2011 at the Gateway Multimodal Transportation Center. Despite record ridership, there is a federal proposal to cut funding for state-supported Amtrak routes.  These proposed cuts would affect routes between St. Louis and Kansas City and St. Louis and Chicago. Source: KMOX – Amtrak Celebrates Record Under Funding Cloud

Extra MetroLink Service for NLCS Games

Metro will be adding additional MetroLink service Thursday and Friday nights to help accommodate the Cardinal’s fans for the NLCS.  We urge you to take public transit to the game. Why pay a ton of money to park, then have to walk several blocks just to get to the stadium, when you can let Metro … Continued

FTA Information Session in Kansas City 10/18/11

FTA Information Sessions: Proposed Title VI and Environmental Justice Circulars FTA is proposing a revised Title VI Circular and a new Environmental Justice Circular. The Information Sessions are the Federal Transit Administration’s efforts to reach out to transit agencies, community based organizations, and stakeholders to provide information about the two proposed circulars and answer clarifying … Continued

Community Partnership Project Seminar Series 10/25/11

UMSL’s Community Partnership Project (CPP) presents Creating Whole Communities: Understanding the State of Community Development Nonprofits in St. Louis as part of its CPP Seminar Series. Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 – 3:30p-5:00p Reception to follow – 5:00p-6:00p J.C. Penney Conference Center, Room 126 University of Missouri-St. Louis One University Boulevard The event is accessible via … Continued

City of Raleigh Flag

Raleigh Passes $40 Million Transportation Bond

The City of Raleigh, North Carolina passed a $40 million transportation bond in Tuesday’s (10/11/11) election.  The measure passed by an astounding 67% of the votes. The $40 million transportation package includes money to repave more than 60 miles of roads, upgrade bus stops and overhaul the Moore Square Transit Center and to start building … Continued

FY2011 CMT Annual Report

The Citizens for Modern Transit FY2011 Annual Report is now available. Highlights include: 2010 Annual Meeting, CMT staff changes, including appointment of new Executive Director Kimberly Cella, election of new Board members, our nationally recognize education campaign, the Ten Toe Express walking group, our May 2011 Transit Oriented Development Seminar, and more. Citizens for Modern … Continued

Letter to the Editor on Transportation Bill

Featured September 7th in the St. Louis Post-Disptach Transportation bill must be reauthorized This past week President Obama urged Congress to pass an extension of the federal transportation program which expires September 30th along with the gas tax.  Why should we care about this in St. Louis?  We should care because it affects every part … Continued

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