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Bi-State Board Approves Plan to Take Over Operation of Loop Trolley

The Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners approved a plan on Friday morning to take over operation of the Loop Trolley. The Loop trolley ceased service in December 2019.

Under the agreement approved Friday, the Transportation Development District (TDD) Board that oversees the trolley would contract with Bi-State for operations. While the TDD is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system, the TDD had previously determined it was cost effective and beneficial to outsource the operation of the system to Bi-State. In December,  the Federal Transit Administration issued a letter threatening a clawback of the $22 million in federal funds used to build the system if it is not up and running by this summer.

At the same time, there is a $1.26 million grant application to secure Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds from the East-West Gateway Council Governments to pay for trolley operations.

The trolley would operate for 32 hours per week between Thursday and Sunday.

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