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Bi-State Board Approves MOU with City of St. Louis on Northside-Southside Project


The Bi-State Board of Commissioners approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Agency and the City of St.  Louis for the Northside-Southside project at its March 24 Special Board meeting. The agreement calls for the Agency to provide services for planning, design, and development of the Northside-Southside Transit Corridor as well as to select and fund an outside Program Management Consultant (PMC) for the project.

As a part of the agreement, the Agency will oversee and manage the Program Management phase of the City Segment of the Northside-Southside Transit Corridor project, including the procurement and contracting of the outside consultant for this phase.  Total costs for the project management consultant and agency oversight will total approximately $17 million through December 2024.

Bi-State anticipates to have the Project Management Consultant team on board by August 2023.

At a recent CMT Talking Transit event in January, Bi-State Development President and CEO Taulby Roach said the Alternatives Analysis for the City of St. Louis portion is currently underway.  The goal is to make the alignment as competitive as possible to compete for federal dollars and to fulfill the obligations to the public in both St. Louis City and St. Louis County to successfully develop light rail.

AECOM is leading the study for both the City of St. Louis and the St. Louis County.


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