We are pleased to announce Citizens for Modern Transit’s Best Transit Picture winner for March 2013. The winner receives a free month-long Metro pass. This month’s winner was selected by CMT’s new Grants and Program Manager, Lenora Fisher. “The smile and sunshine in this picture brightened a cold and dreary March afternoon. I couldn’t help but smile and hope you will too.”
…The winner is
Thmbsup by: Eric Thompson

Thank you to all who submitted pictures. We are hosting the contest again in April and would love to share your photos. Send us pics of anything transit related…. Pictures on the MetroBus and MetroLink, stations, stops, trolleys, trains, buses, shuttles, etc. We want to see your transit pics.
You may send your photo entries to: info@cmt-stl.org or post it to our Facebook or Twitter pages.
Thanks again. We look forward to the April submissions!