While SJR 16 did not leave the legislature this year, the Missouri General Assembly did approve an additional $500,000 from General revenue for Missouri’s Transit Program. This would be in addition to the $560,000 from the State Transportation Fund for public transit. Now is the time to ask Governor Nixon to support this additional appropriation for transit in MO.
Below is a draft letter that can be mailed to The Honorable Jeremiah “Jay” Nixon, Governor, 216 Capitol Building, Jefferson City, MO 65101 or email mogov@mail.mo.gov:
Dear Governor Nixon:
I am writing to request your support for the $560,875 in state transportation funds and $500,000 in general revenue for Missouri’s Transit Program as approved by the Missouri General Assembly. It is part of the Missouri Department of Transportation appropriation in House Bill 4.
In Fiscal Year 2010, the Transit Program appropriation from the state was $4.015 million, which included $3.200 million in general revenue and $815,000 in state transportation funds. The General Assembly then passed a Fiscal Year 2011 budget which included $3.601 million transit funding. Of this amount, all general revenue was withheld, leaving only $560,875 in state transportation funds. Subsequently, the withhold became a permanent cut in the Fiscal Year 2012 and 2013 budgets.
Transit can get Missouri back on track. For every one dollar invested in transit, there is a $4 return for Missouri. Transit creates jobs, provides access to jobs in urban and rural areas, creates opportunity for development and helps move our elderly and disabled throughout the state. I hope you will give this request serious consideration. The requested funding above will be spread over 33 service providers in Missouri. While it is not enough, it is an improvement.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.