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Upcoming Summit: Changing Healthcare Landscape: Implications for Community, School, Business, and Providers Summit

get_up_and_go.5983835_stdCMT is pleased to be a part of the St. Clair County Complete Streets steering committee in partnership with Get Up and Go and the St. Clair County Health Department, and invite you to their upcoming summit called, “The Changing Healthcare Landscape: Implications for Community, School, Business, and Providers.”

The conference, planned for Friday, November 14 from 7:45 am to 2:45 pm, will be held at the Fountains Conference Center at the Four Points Sheraton in Fairveiw Heights, 319 Fountains Pkwy, Fairview Heights, IL 62208.

Keynote speakers include Katie Clarke Adamson, Director of Health Partnerships and Policy for the YMCA of USA, and Linda Renee Baker from the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute.

Breakout sessions will cover the following:

  • The role of hospitals in community collaboration;
  • Improving the built environment: funding opportunities and local success stories;
  •  No school left unwell: raising the bar for health preschools through high school;
  • Opportunities for win-win: worksite wellness; and
  • Success through community partnerships.

Transit is playing an integral role in St. Clair County’s planning process.  In their complete streets initiative, they are studying the walkability to bus stations as well as thinking about how transit connects to all  other plans.

Read more about the conference here and register here.


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