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Where does Missouri funding for transit stand?

The Missouri General Assembly is on spring break this week, but the question is where does funding for transit stand with a month and a half to go in this legislative session. The FY12 supplemental budget has passed the House and Senate Appropriations Committee.

Transit operation assistance funds remain at $560,875 for the statewide distribution.  This is $560,875 for 33 transit providers from across the state.    The Governor didn’t recommend the additional $2.5 million requested by MoDOT for transit operations from general revenue.  

The Amtrak state supported route is at current year level of $7.9 million, which is once again short the requested amount.  Other states are further behind in payments to Amtrak, which has weakened the case for Missouri to appropriate the additional amount. 

It authorizes $4 million in spending for the Merchants Bridge owned by the St Louis Railroad Terminal.   Additional funding to complete this project and the Osage River Bridge along the UP Amtrak line is in the FY 13 budget.  $33 million has been approved by the House budget committee and will be taken up by the full House the week of March 19. 


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