What should be the St. Louis region’s vision for the future of transportation? What should be the priorities for this region if funding were to become available? What type of projects would you support? Weigh in on CMT’s survey here.
The Missouri Legislature is going to give voters the opportunity to weigh in on their region’s transportation priorities this November. HJR, a proposed three-fourths percent general sales tax for transportation, passed the legislature this session. The proposed sales tax will go before voters this November. Included as a part of this referendum will be the creation of a list of projects from each region which will be funded by the tax. It is estimated the proposed tax with its ten year sunset will generate $800 to 1050 million in St. Louis County over ten years, and $220-290 million in the City of St. Louis according to East-West Gateway Council of Governments – the local planning organization.
In November, CMT released a survey asking whether voters would support a one percent sales tax for transportation (the initial amount in HJR68 before the Senate substitute). Seventy percent of the respondents indicated they would support a one-cent for transportation if there was a carve out for public transit. Fifty-eight percent indicated the carve out had to be 20-30 percent for transit for their support.
Yesterday, the East-West Gateway Council of Governments held its second meeting of stakeholders on building their long range plan including creation of the transportation project priority list for the region – this would be the same list to be funded by the proposed tax for transportation.
The regional list compilation is based on priorities provided by stakeholder groups including the City, The County, Metro; stakeholders convened at the first meeting in this process; survey data and projects that have been included in the current TIP for the region.
CMT hopes the priority list shows vision and demonstrates the regional impact of transit on economic development, job creation, access and opportunity. CMT will not take a position on the proposed tax until the project lists are unveiled, and demonstrate this vision for transit and a fair share for transit projects.
If you were given the choice, what projects would you deem necessary on the list to capture your vote? Or, does the list not matter to you and you will be voting yes or no for other reasons?
Please Use this Survey to Weigh In.