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Citizens For Modern Transit
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CMT in the News
STL Leaders Weigh in on Transit
Take a special Ten Toe tour to scenic Washington, MO on Monday, October 22 on the Amtrak! The tour will be led by Dan and Meredith O’Connor and Norm and Joan Krumrey (regular leaders of the Shrewsbury and Brentwood Ten Toe walks, respectively). The tour will start at the Kirkwood Amtrak Station (110 West Argonne Drive, Kirkwood, MO 63122), where the group will meet at 7:15 a.m. for train departure soon thereafter. The group will return about 12:15 p.m. that day, after visiting the Corn Cob Pipe Factory, St. Francis Borgia church and the art gallery. The walk will cost $26 and lunch is not included the the walk.
Please find the option to pay for your ticket below or you can mail a check to CMT at 911 Washington, Ste. 200, St. Louis, MO 63101.
NOTE: please provide your age with your check (or if you purchase online, send in an email to; we need this information for specific discounts through Amtrak.
RSVPs are required for this walk due to the tickets being purchased ahead of time, so make them early! We look forward to having you on what is sure to be a fun-filled Fall walk!
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