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Ten Toes & Transit Lead to Healthier Employees

Increasing Transit Use & Walking Improves Overall Workforce Health

 policybrief2013-no format issuesMore and more businesses are realizing the benefits of encouraging their employees to use transit. But how does one incentivize commuting via public transit over personal vehicle? In addition to promoting overall health improvements, employers can offer motivations, such as specialized Ten Toe walks and subsidized transit passes.

With obesity on the rise, public health officials are encouraging people to walk more and eat healthier. Yet 28-34% of adults ages 65-74 in the U.S. and 35-44% of adults ages 75 and older are inactive. Furthermore, only 31% and 23%, respectively, engage in moderate physical activity three or more days/week.1

Increasing access to and use of public transit systems before reaching these ages can help employees benefit from more physical activity as a part of their daily routine. Public transit riders arrive on time with reduced rates of absenteeism because employees are not driving on congested roadways.

Promoting Transit Benefit Programs at the workplace is a win-win for employers:

  • Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH)-complimentary for employers, providing subsidized cab rides, or rental cars, home for transit users in case of emergencies.
  • Ten Toe Express-walking program, pairing regular exercise with public transit use to see destinations in MO & IL.  For $5, participants receive a tote, pedometer, 4 Metro tickets, a list of scheduled walks, Metro map and more!
  • Transit Pass subsidies
  • Offer Flextime to employees

Transit User Benefits:

• Using public transit can reduce the financial strains, carbon footprint, and social isolation for St. Louisans; according to APTA, taking public transit saves the average individual $9,242/year (based on $2.75/gallon of gas and parking costs)2

• 97% of jobs in St. Louis City & County are accessible by Metro transit

• 30%+ of the Illinois workforce uses transit to commute to Missouri jobs

• Time spent on public transit provides extra time for employees to catch up on work, reading, or anything else he/she desires

•Other benefits include: increased physical fitness and improved mental health

Now is the time to provide access to the most sustainable forms of transportation – walking, biking and public transit use.  It is imperative for employers to work with CMT and Metro to design and implement programs that promote transit for a healthier workforce and region.  An easy first step is to encourage those in your work place to map out his/her commute via transit, biking, or walking on Google maps and give it a try!  Sign up for GRH & Ten Toe programs on CMT’s website,



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