St. Louis County is currently developing an updated comprehensive plan titled St. Louis County 2050: An Equitable and Sustainable Comprehensive Plan. The plan will include recommendations surrounding issues such as roads, housing, parks, land use, and infrastructure.
The team behind the comprehensive plan will hold multiple open houses in November as a way for the community to learn more about the plan and share their questions and concerns. The team encourages those interested to attend an open house to explore potential solutions for housing, transportation, and sustainability while enjoying dinner, ice cream, and door prizes, including tickets to Winter Wonderland. Choose from three family-friendly sessions:
- Nov. 13, 4:30-7:30 PM – Greensfelder Recreation Complex
- Nov. 14, 4:30-7:30 PM – Pavilion at Lemay
- Nov. 16, 10 AM-1 PM – Florissant Municipal Court
Those interested in learning more about St. Louis County 2050 may visit the project website here.