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Recent MetroLink Fare Audits Show 95% Fare Compliance

If you rode MetroLink between October 17th and November 6th, you may have been asked to show proof of valid fare. Fare audits were conducted on various trains and at different stops along the system in the last few weeks. The results of those audits are now in. 

Of the 8,725 individuals audited during the October 17th-November 6th timeframe, 95% of those riders were in possession of valid fare. This is in alignment with past audit results showing approximately 95% fare compliance according to Allied Universal. Since these Metro Platform Fare Audits began in May of 2023, “A total of 59,687 riders have been touched by a fare audit and our compliance rates are still holding at 95%,” says Billy Reynolds, Account Manager with Allied Universal.

The audits were initiated in May 2023 as questions surfaced regarding how many riders might be riding the system without obtaining the correct fare. The randomized fare audit program occurs at different times of day across MetroLink station platforms and trains in Missouri and Illinois. Each rider is checked for proof of fare and then allowed to proceed with boarding. Since the audits began back in May, 1,106 audits have been performed.

While the audit program is important in showing the larger picture of fare compliance across the system, it also allows new and less-experienced transit users an opportunity to interact with Metro staff and ask questions, in turn building their confidence in using the system.

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