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New Study Finds Widespread Support for Transit Around the Country.

bossesforbuses_webbox_3“Bosses for Buses” is a new study that explores transit’s widespread support from employers around the country.  However, employer support on more national levels tends to be fragmented and less effective.

Good Jobs First ran the study and found that major employers such as hospitals and universities in metro areas across the country are winning support for local transit through coalitions.  Conversely, advocacy for transit on the national level is led by businesses seeking to sell products to transit agencies.  In other words, organizations seeking to get support for transit themselves are not making an impact on the national level.  When such widespread local support for transit exists, what will it take to get support and action inside the beltway?

The study cites several examples of these local coalitions making important regional impacts (The St. Louis region and CMT get shout outs!), so we know that employer support for transit works.  However, to take transit to the next level, we need employers to organize nationally.

Read the full report here –



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