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CTOD Report Presents Strategies on Capturing the Value of Transit

CTOD Value-CurveA report titled “Capturing the Value of Transit” has been released by Reconnecting America’s Center for Transit-Oriented Development (CTOD). Market-driven TOD strategy is a central mission of CTOD, and this report provides insight on the role of property values in funding transit and how they can help support public-private partnerships.

One of the main issues discussed in the report is the concept of Value Capture. Value Capture is defined as “harnessing a portion of the value that transit confers to surrounding properties to fund transit infrastructure or related improvements in station areas.” This presents a unique opportunity to developers, transit planners, and public policy makers to find new ways to both measure and utilize the value that transit brings, which the report covers in more detail.

Click here for the access to the full report.

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