During his State of the State address on January 28, Governor Kehoe outlined his budget requests including a cut of $5 million to state transit operating assistance. The SFY 2026 Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission request was $11.7 million for Missouri transit. This request included $10 million from General Revenue and $1.7 million from the State Transportation Fund. This has been the funding level since 2023. Now is the time for transit riders and supporters to weigh in on importance of restoring $5 million to House Bill 4 which includes MoDOT’s budget appropriations.
“It is a disappointment to see our wins for transit investment reduced in this year’s budget recommendations from the Governor. This investment in transit is a critical match to ensure our providers can draw down the historic federal funding levels available for public transit back to Missouri. The price of doing business continues to escalate and this $5 million is critical to continue to be able to deliver in Missouri,” said Kimberly Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “This just means we need supporters to tell there stories now more than ever to educate the legislature on the importance of this investment to the state’s bottom line.”
Transit supporters can help by reaching out members of the House Budget Committee on the importance of transit investment using the links below:
- Rep. Dirk Deaton Dirk.Deaton@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Bishop Davidson Bishop.Davidson@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Betsy Fogle Betsy.Fogle@house.mo.gov
- Rep. John Black John.Black@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Mitch Boggs Mitch.Boggs@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Donnie Brown Donnie.Brown@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Darin Chappell Darin.Chappell@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Mazzie Christensen Mazzie.Christensen@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Aaron Crossley Aaron.Crossley@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Scott Cupps Scott.Cupps@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Melissa Douglas Melissa.Douglas@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Wendy Hausman Wendy.Hausman@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Stephanie Hein Stephanie.Hein@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Jim Kalberloh Jim.Kalberloh@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Nick Kimble Nick.Kimble@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Ed Lewis Ed.Lewis@house.mo.gov
- Rep. John Martin John.Martin@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Don Mayhew Don.Mayhew@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Marty Joe Murray Marty.Murray@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Bill Owen Bill.Owen@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Raychel Proudie Raychel.Proudie@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Louis Riggs Louis.Riggs@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Greg Sharpe Greg.Sharpe@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Kathy Steinhoff Kathy.Steinhoff@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Mike Steinmeyer Mike.Steinmeyer@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Del Taylor Del.Taylor@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Tim Taylor Tim.Taylor@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Jeff Vernetti Jeff.Vernetti@house.mo.gov
- Rep. John Voss John.Voss@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Christopher Warwick Christopher.Warwick@house.mo.gov
- Rep. Yolanda Young Yolanda.Young@house.mo.gov