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MetroLink Trains Not Operating between College and Shiloh-Scott

MetroLink trains will not operate in Illinois between the College and Shiloh-Scott Stations from 8 p.m. until the end of service October 1-4 and October 7 in order to accommodate ongoing MetroLink track work. The St. Clair County Transit District will transport Red Line MetroLink customers by MetroBus from the College MetroLink Station to the Shiloh-Scott MetroLink Station. Westbound Red Line passengers from Shiloh-Scott MetroLink Station will need to board a shuttle bus to travel to the College MetroLink Station. From there, they can board a train to continue west and should allow for 20-25 minute delays.  Eastbound Red Line passengers will exit the train at the College MetroLink Station and board a shuttle bus to continue their trip to the Shiloh-Scott MetroLink Station and should expect 5-10 minute delays.

MetroLink customers and baseball and football fans are advised to plan ahead to avoid the delays caused by the track work.

Blue Line service will not be impacted.  Updates on MetroLink operations can be found at in the Rider Alert section.

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