Metro is inviting the public to attend one of two presentations to find out more about the final Metro Reimagined plan. The upcoming bus route changes will provide more frequent service, faster and more direct trips, and improved weekend service.
Public Hearing Locations
Monday, August 26 | 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
St. Louis Public Library Auditorium (Central Branch)
1301 Olive Street
Thursday, August 29 | 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Millennium Student Center
University of Missouri – St. Louis
To request interpretation or ADA services for the public hearings, call 314-231-2345 at least 72 hours prior to the public hearing you wish to attend.
A presentation of the final Metro Reimagined plan will be delivered at 6:15 p.m. at each hearing. After the presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to talk to Metro Transit team members one-on-one about your transit commute. A live broadcast will be made available online for those who are unable to attend the public hearings. Public comments will be collected throughout the duration of the meeting.
Ten routes across St. Louis County and the City of St. Louis will provide bus service every 15 minutes during the day on weekdays. On nearly three dozen routes, buses will come every 30 minutes. There are new purple stickers at about 1,100 bus stop signs. These stickers signal the 10 high-frequency routes. Currently, the #70 Grand route is the only high-frequency route Metro Transit operates.
Weekend service is also being improved. MetroBus service on Sundays has been added to nearly all MetroBus routes, including many routes where buses currently do not run on Sundays. Service levels will also be consistent on Saturdays and Sundays.
With some routes being straightened out to make the trips faster and more direct, MetroBus vehicles will no longer operate on some streets in St. Louis County and in the City of St. Louis where it currently does. Notices are being posted on nearly 1,200 bus stops along those streets. Yellow stickers will be posted to notify customers if a stop will no longer be in service on September 30.
In an effort to make the Missouri MetroBus service change as smooth as possible, Metro will be hopping on buses to educate you about the changes. They’ll also visit transit centers and work with community groups and other organizations to raise awareness and get the word out about the upcoming changes.