On February 18th the Bi-State Board of Commissioners approved an agreement between Metro Transit and Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) to move forward with a plan for active transportation amenities at Metro Transit’s Community Mobility Hub in North St. Louis City.
The Community Mobility Hubs Project is a federally funded initiative to create places of connectivity, where different modes of travel converge. They include features that support more intuitive and accessible public transit, walking and biking, bikeshare and carshare services, neighborhood electric vehicles and micro-transit services. The Hubs are slated to have a larger presence than the standard bus stop, creating safer, more comfortable spaces for riders waiting for bus service, transferring between routes or connecting to other transit modes.
Phase I of the Community Mobility Hub Program is in the final planning stages and contains four identified locations currently under review with community stakeholders. Locations were selected based on ridership data, impacts on environmental justice populations, and proximity to other public facilities.
Community engagement discussions around the Hub location at Grand and Page Boulevards in North St. Louis City led to the opportunity to partner with MDHSS and Washington University’s BRIC program (Building Resilient Inclusive Communities).