Mayor Lyda Krewson signed into law Board Bills 162CS, 163CS, and 181 on electric vehicle (EV) legislation. These bills are collectively designed to expand EV charging infrastructure across the City in preparation for more electric vehicles entering the market over the next few years. The Krewson Administration modeled the legislative package after successful similar initiatives in peer cities.
“This marks another historic and exciting first for the City of St. Louis. We were first in the Midwest with a solar readiness ordinance. We were first in the Midwest with a building energy performance standards ordinance. And now we’re leading the way again!” said Mayor Krewson. “With this legislation, the City will make using electric vehicles easier and more attractive, which helps cut down on gas vehicle emissions that are harmful to our residents’ health.”
Beginning January 1, 2022, certain new construction and major renovations of residential, multi-family, and commercial buildings will be required to be EV ready by including accommodations for easy installation of EV charging capacity. Similar requirements will begin to apply to major rehabs of single-family units beginning January 1, 2024.
“It’s estimated that at least a quarter of all new vehicles sold by 2030 will be electric vehicles. This forward-looking legislation positions the City of St. Louis as a leader because we’re lifting one of the barriers to purchasing electric vehicles and preparing for them to hit our streets. Thank you to my colleagues at the Board of Aldermen and Mayor Krewson for supporting these measures,” said 28th Ward Alderwoman Heather Navarro, who sponsored the legislation.
Since electric vehicles are most frequently charged at home, certain residential construction under the new legislation will have to include the installation of an outlet that can facilitate charging.
However, capacity is also needed for workplaces and other destinations for EV users to top up. That’s why certain commercial construction under this legislation will have to include charging stations, the necessary charging equipment, and a varying amount of designated parking spaces to accommodate convenient charging. There are exemptions for some rehabs and building types or uses where EV charging is less appropriate.
Learn more about the City’s new EV charging ordinance.