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It pays to RIDE TRANSIT in STL with Tony Transit!


Did you know it pays to ride transit? If you follow Citizens for Modern Transit and our activities, I am sure you have heard us talk about all the benefits of riding transit – IT REALLY DOES PAY to RIDE TRANSIT!  Now, this spring as a part of CMT’s Make Your Move on Metro activities and national Dump the Pump promotions in June, CMT and Metro are teaming up with THE POINT &  Tony Transit (otherwise known as Tony Patrico) to show you just how much it pays to ride transit!

Beginning Friday, May 24,  Tony Transit will be riding Metro during ‘happy hour’ or peak rush hour giving out gift cards and other prizes to stress that taking transit  really does put money back in your pockets!   Find Tony Transit on the train and walk away from an even happier commute! 

Tony Transit will ride the trains three times over the next month and his partner in crime on THE POINT, Riz, will be joining TEAM TRANSIT on May 30 for CMT’s Great Race II.  Tony’s other trips will be on Friday, June 14 and Thursday, June 20

Here is how the promotion will work:

  • Follow Tony Patrico on TWITTER at @PatricoWAR (We like to call him Tony Transit!)
  • Listen to Tony on 105.7  THE POINT to find out where he will be boarding the train for his trips (starting points will change for each trip) or follow his Tweets to find out where he is boarding. 
  • Find Tony Transit  on the train (he is pictured in the image above just in case you don’t know what he looks like), show him his ‘transit’ tweet and he will present you with one of many great prizes, including Visa Gift Cards.  
  • Sit back and enjoy your ride home on transit!benefitschart

Remember (there is always a message on the benefits of transit in our blogs) it really does pay to ride transit!

  • Promotes a healthier lifestyle, especially when add a walking and/or biking component to one or both ends of your trip.
  • Saves you money on gas, insurance, and wear and tear on your vehicle. According to the American Public Transit Association, a commuter can save upwards of more than $9,000 a year by choosing transit.
  • Establishes a cleaner commute and a cleaner environment!
  • Makes a difference in our community as every one dollar invested in transit, there is a $4 return for this region. 
  • Reduces stress in your day to day life. Research has shown that taking transit provides the opportunity to sit back and relax which in turns increases productivity and decreases absenteeism.

The benefits don’t stop here.  Remember May is a great month to Make Your Move on Metro whether for work or play.  Look for Tony Transit for an even better commute in May!


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