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H3 Studio, Inc. Tagged for 2 New Station Area Plans

Additional MetroLink stops will be studied by H3 Studio, Inc. for Station Area Plans.

St. Louis Development Corporation has contracted with H3 Studio, Inc., to develop Station Area Plans for three existing MetroLink station areas along the current alignment and two proposed station areas along the planned Northside-Southside MetroLink extension alignment. All Station Area Plans fall within the City of St. Louis and will generally incorporate a ½ mile radius around the station, although this may vary depending on each Station.

The current MetroLink alignments traverse 46 miles and have 37 stations, of which 12 are in the City. The three Existing Station Areas to be studied are:

1.      Arch-Laclede’s Landing Stationeads

2.      Stadium Station

3.      Forest Park-DeBaliviere / Delmar Loop Stations (These two stations are incorporated in one study area.)

This study will be funded through the $4.7M Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant (awarded to East-West Gateway) under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Community engagement meetings for the existing stations will begin in late May.

For questions, contact Amy Lampe at SLDC,

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