CMT will be participating in Giving Tuesday on December 1, 2015 where “charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.” If better transit is on your wish list this year, we hope to hear from you. Make a gift online today!
Gifts to CMT go a long way toward improving transit in St. Louis. When you support CMT you also help improve the quality of life in St. Louis, bring economic development and jobs to the region, improve the quality of air that you and your children breathe, and contribute to making transit a transportation option for all of us.
To give you a sense of your return on investment when you join CMT, we wanted to highlight some of the accomplishments CMT members have made possible in the last year:
• A $10.3 million TIGER grant for a NEW MetroLink Station at CORTEX and upgrades to the Central West End Station with the help of the CMT led Feasibility Study.
• The CMT Try & Ride Program that has put more than 3,000 new riders on transit, and shows no signs of stopping.
• A CMT commissioned Transit Funding Study looking at possible creative financing for transit in the region.
CMT’s work and your support matters because the more St. Louisans take advantage of transit, the more we can all enjoy the benefit transit provides the community. Remember all gifts to CMT are tax deductible. Please consider a special year end gift this Giving Tuesday to see more transit in St. Louis tomorrow! All gifts of $250 or more will receive a model MetroLink car for your collection.