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CMT Transit Commuter Survey

Dear Transit Commuter,

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is conducting a transit commuter survey to help determine why transit commuters in Missouri and Illinois choose the bus and/or MetroLink instead of the car.  The survey will also help us understand commuter perceptions of transit in St. Louis, types of messaging that helps increase ridership, and how we can better market the transit system in the St. Louis region.  As a transit commuter, we appreciate your participation.

This survey is the first step in CMT’s 3-year St. Louis (STL) Transit Action Plan program, funded through a federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant.  The STL Transit Action plan seeks to improve air quality in the St. Louis region by increasing transit ridership and reducing single-occupancy vehicle trips.

Please fill out this short survey. It should take you less than 10 minutes. You can fill out the survey online: or mail in a hard copy.   We are requesting all surveys be completed and returned to Citizens for Modern Transit (911 Washington Ave. Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63101) by Thursday December 15, 2011 in the envelope provided.  Each survey respondent will be entered into a drawing for a brand new KINDLE FIRE.   In order to be entered into the drawing, we will need you to fill out the contact information completely. If you do not wish to be included in the drawing, this information can be left blank.

Thank you for you assistance. Look for upcoming transit promotions next spring and information on the new Smart Card program.  See you on the bus or train!


Kimberly M. Cella
Executive Director

Take the CMT Transit Commuter Survey

Printable version of Commuter Survey

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