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CMT remembers public transit visionary with Education Fund

Fred Epstein in his Indeeco Office Photo courtesy of the family.
Fred Epstein in his Indeeco Office
Photo courtesy of the family.

Transit continues to move forward in St. Louis.

However, in 2014 the region and Citizens for Modern Transit lost one of its greatest transit advocates, Fred Epstein.  Fred was a true public transit visionary, dedicating years to the transit discussion and bringing St. Louis MetroLink to fruition, in part through his leadership.  CMT is honored to announce the formation of the Fred Epstein Public Transit Education Fund to honor Fred and create a lasting transit legacy in his name.

As one of the founders of Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) in 1985, Fred ensured the St. Louis region had an organization with an articulate, active voice for public transit. From 1986 to 1998, Fred worked diligently to make regional light rail a reality.  He was a member of the CMT Board of Directors, over the years serving stints as President, Vice-President and Treasurer.  After stepping down from the CMT Board, Fred remained an active member of the organization and spoke out regularly for transit and transit funding.

The Fred Epstein Public Transit Education Fund will be used to educate and train advocates for public transit.  Many times Fred would refer to the need to keep transit moving forward in the region. This fund would provide travel stipends to local elected officials and stakeholders for national conferences on transit. This education fund would be a way to build new transit leaders and advocates in his name and honor his goal to ensure a great transit system for the region.

Consider helping CMT continue Fred’s legacy by donating to the Fred Epstein Public Transit Education Fund today. It is not every day we encounter an individual with a passion that spans decades of work to ensure St. Louisans have the successful system we have.  Here is a unique opportunity to ensure Fred’s work continues for years to come. All gifts to CMT are tax deductible. Thank you for your consideration.

Gifts can be made online or checks can be mailed to CMT, 911 Washington, Ste. 200, St. Louis, MO 63101. Please mark in the memo line:  Fred Epstein Education Fund.

Sincerely, Kimberly Cella, Executive Director

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