CMT in partnership with the St. Clair County Transit District is undertaking a two-year education campaign, which will include transit benefit programming, education on transit options, community campaigns, placemaking and transit access. CMT is seeking a firm to assist with these efforts in planning, executing and promoting these events and messaging items.
The programs would include Social marketing; email outreach; promotional events; transit advertising, website promotions, and outreach will all be used to connect with City and County residents. The goal would be to reach the target market at least three to six times over the time period – moving them into action.
Work products will include press releases, website updates, execution of events, and outreach programs on the following topics related to transit:
- Try and Ride Program
- Introduction of new tools to increase transit ridership
- Community wide education campaigns
- Workforce Development – Job Access through TRansit
- Social media
Proposals requested by 4 p.m. on September 20, 2023.