Proposals are now being solicited from certified public accounting firms to perform an audit in accordance with generally accepting auditing standards on our financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for the year ended August 31, 2025 and provide your opinion. Since CMT participates in federally funded grant programs, if federal expenditures exceed $1,000,000 please include in the proposal the fees for a Single Audit, if needed, in compliance with OMB circular A-133 (beginning with the fiscal year ending August 31, 2025). The initial audit will also need to include development of an indirect cost rate schedule (ICR) in accordance with 2CFR220 (A122). The accountant must be knowledgeable with the Federal Acquisition Regulation, Part 31 (FAR). We would also like to have the preparation of the related tax returns for Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT), a 501(c)(3) public charity, included in the proposal.
Organizational Overview
Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is the region’s transit advocacy organization, a 501(c )(3) public charity organized as a Missouri nonprofit corporation. CMT was established in 1985 to help bring light rail to St. Louis. Since then, it has been working to ensure the St. Louis region has access to a safe, convenient and affordable public transportation system. The organization does not own or operate the transit system, but they work to champion it, challenge it, encourage it and advocate for it. CMT secures state and federal funding for transit projects; plays an active role in addressing safety and security issues; increases ridership and raises awareness about the benefits of public transit; spearheads feasibility studies to examine the benefits of adding new light-rail stations, and furthering sustainability efforts. CMT also ensures the value of public transit is understood by elected officials, civic leaders, key stakeholders and the community at large – so the opportunity to fund, improve and expand public transit isn’t missed. The organization’s fiscal year runs September 1 through August 31.