Tomorrow marks the halfway point of CMT’s 30th Anniversary year, and we have loads more to do to move transit forward in the region. We are excited to share all of these great events with CMT members and friends as a part of our 30th Anniversary celebration.
We know public transit is the key to bringing our community together. It connects individuals to jobs, communities and each other.
We may be celebrating thirty years this year, but we know our job is not done. We can move forward both incremental projects and a larger vision for transit, but only as funding allows. CMT’s ‘job one’ is to find a funding mechanism which works for this region and to build much needed support to censure transit connects us to our communities and to each other. The CMT commissioned Transit Financing Study with Transportation for America continues to move forward. It is a six month study running through July, 2015 to look at possible funding options for transit in our region. Look for results to be available at about the same time as the CMT 30th Anniversary celebration.
If you believe transit is a priority for this region, please consider joining CMT today to help move transit forward. Join online today! Hope to see you in the second half of FY15.
With that said, we hope you will join us for some of the upcoming events on the calendar for the second half of FY15.
CMT teams up with Creating Whole Communities for “Transit’s impact on the neighborhood” on March 12 Breakfast event
With the help of a national expert from Enterprise Community Partners, a panel of community development practitioners will look at Transit’s Impact on the Neighborhood focusing specifically on the multi-modal transportation corridor extending from Forest Park to UMSL and the prospects for mixed-used development around transit.
Panelists include:
Rosa Y. Ortiz, Program Director for Enterprise Community Partners – Ken Christian, Principal, Stellar Management, LLC – Don Roe, Director, Planning and Urban Design Agency – Kevin Triggs – Mary Campbell, Washington University
Time: March 12, 7:30 am registration, 8 – 9:30 am breakfast and discussion
Place: Regional Arts Commission
Registration required: $10 for CMT members; $12 non-members
he Spring 2015 Ten Toe Express Program
CMT is partnering with AARP St. Louis on the Ten Toe Express Program for the Spring 2015. The CMT Ten Toe Express Program kicks off on April 2, 2015. Join us for this special kick-off walk to the 6 North Apartments,the first fully universally designed building in the U.S.
- The apartments are mixed-income, multi-family and managed by McCormack Baron Salazar. The walking group will meet at the Shrewsbury MetroLink station for a brief welcome and introduction, take the train to the Central West End Station and then walk 1.1 miles to the apartments. Register today for this exciting walk.
- Weekly walks departing from the Brentwood, Forest Park, Belleville, Rock Road, North Hanley and Shrewsbury MetroLink stations will follow from April through June. More information on the CMT Ten Toe Express is available here.
Here is a link to an article which ran in the St. Louis Post Dispatch today on the program:
What’s Right with the Region! 2015 Honoree
CMT has been notified by Focus St. Louis that we will be a 2015 What’s Right with the Region! Honoree under the Demonstrating Innovative Solutions category. Please consider attending the event on May 7 at the Sheldon Concert Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. You can purchase a ticket online at
CMT Great Race 2015: A Relay to the Rails
After hosting three, highly successful Great Race competitions placing Team TRANSIT, Team BIKE, Team CARSHARE and Team CARPOOL in a head-to-head competition to see which commuters could get from Point A to Point B the fastest during the evening rush via their respective transportation modes, Citizens for Modern Transit is excited to announce a new twist for the coming year. On Thursday, May 21, we are looking to host CMT’s Great Race 2015: A Relay to the Rails.
It will integrate biking, carsharing, carpooling and transit as the teams race to the final destination in downtown St. Louis. This new approach will help to raise awareness about the viable alternative transportations options that exist, demonstrate how seamlessly these modes can be integrated together, and for the first time, enable the organization to extend this event into the Metro East.
Sponsorship opportunities are now available. Join us to celebrate multi-modal travel in St. Louis.
CMT’s 30th Anniversary Event
The CMT 30th Anniversary Celebration has been set for Thursday, July 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Moonrise Hotel in the New Moon Room. Please mark your calendars. There will be more information as we move forward.
Make sure to add these events to your calendar for 2015:
- March 12 – CMT Panel Discussion on Transit’s Impact on the Neighborhood
- April 2 – Ten Toe Kick-off
- May 7 – What’s Right with the Region Awards Event
- May 21 – CMT Great Race
- June 5 – CMT Metro Market and Temporary Trail at the Rock Road Station
- July 23 – CMT 30th Anniversary Celebration