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Save the date for CMT’s 32nd Annual Meeting on Sept. 1, 2016 featuring Nidhi Gulati with Project for Public Spaces, “Placemaking around Transit to Create Safer Communities.”
“Transit, from simple bus stops to light rail stations, can be natural focal points for activity and revitalizing adjacent neighborhoods. Currently, area residents, transit commuters, and visitors do not view St. Louis stations as destinations. For transit stations like these to play an effective role in improving the livability of a community, they must be an integral part of community life and riders must have confidence in the safety of the system at that site. We are excited to welcome Nidhi to St. Louis to discuss the broader impact of Placemaking efforts to create these safer communities in our region around transit,” said Kim Cella, CMT Executive Director.
September 1, 2016, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Renaissance Grand Hotel, Crystal Ballroom
800 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63101
Ticket Fees: CMT Members$ 65.00 Non-members$ 80.00
Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. Our pioneering Placemaking approach helps citizens transform their public spaces into vital places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common needs.

Nidhi Gulati is a Project Associate at PPS, working on all aspects of public space transformations into centers of life and activity in their cities, towns and neighborhoods. In addition to transportation research and resource development, she has been involved with several community specific Placemaking projects in the U.S. and abroad. She has worked with downtowns and multi-use destinations, transportation projects, plazas, squares, parks and greenways. Reflected in her work is a commitment to placemaking as an approach to empower people to create great places.
Nidhi has a multidisciplinary background in architecture, urban design, urban research, park planning, leisure studies, environmental psychology and community development. She applies all skills in unison to help communities build capacity and reinvent their public realm. She has also been involved with education and knowledge exchange between PPS and Placemaking advocates in the global south.
Born and raised in India, Nidhi chooses to be a non-driver and has been an advocate for re-inclusion of walking and biking in transportation corridors since the start of her career. She is also a passionate and powerful public speaker, and has been invited to participate and present at several global conferences.
Register for CMT’s annual meeting and luncheon here