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Talking Transit Event to Feature an Update on Phase II of the MetroLink Security Assessment and a Panel Discussion with Metro Transit’s New Public Safety Leadership Team

Transit safety is a top regional priority, and leadership continues to take a very active role in addressing challenges, making changes and helping the community regain confidence in the system. Citizens for Modern Transit will be using its “Talking Transit” event, set for Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 8:30 a.m. at the St. Louis Regional Chamber Collaboration Center (13th floor), as a forum for updating the public on transit security efforts. Attendees will learn about Phase II of the MetroLink Security Assessment before Metro Transit’s New Public Safety Leadership Team takes part in a panel discussion. Registration can be completed online at or by arriving early to the event. The cost is free for CMT members and $10 for non-members. A limited number of scholarships are available to those with personal financial constraints.

Jim Wild, executive director of East-West Gateway Council of Governments and sponsor of both phases of the MetroLink Security Assessment, is set to provide a brief overview of the Transit Security Report Card development as part of Phase II of the assessment. Metro Transit’s Public Safety Leadership Team will then take the stage for a panel discussion. Stephen Berry, general manager of Metro Transit Public Safety; Kevin Scott, director of Metro Transit Public Safety; and Vernon Summers, manager of Metro Transit Public Safety, will collectively address the vision for public safety on transit moving forward.

“Much has been accomplished in recent years relative to safety and security concerns on transit, but there is still work to be done,” said Kimberly Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “I look forward to this update and continuing to see local leaders come together for the greater good of transit riders and the entire St. Louis region.”

CMT hosts quarterly “Talking Transit” events to keep members, elected officials, stakeholders, transit riders and others in the loop on issues and efforts influencing the local transit system. These educational gatherings feature guest speakers and panel discussions addressing a wide range of topics, including transit-oriented development, safety and security, best practices, service changes and more.

Special thanks to Lochmueller Group, Metro Transit, and St. Louis Regional Chamber.

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