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St. Louis Streetcar: Public Open House March 7

If you are interested in transit and TOD in St. Louis, please consider attending the upcoming St. Louis Streetcar Open House on Thursday, March 7. The event will be held at The Moto Museum and will run from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. It is free and open to the public, so you can stop by … Continued

Los Angeles Gets Onboard Downtown Streetcar Trend

Los Angeles, California is the latest in a slew of cities across the country to adopt a plan for a downtown streetcar line. With voter approval and project funding finally in place, construction is slated to begin in 2014, with a 2016 opening. With this project, Los Angeles joins Fort Lauderdale, Cincinnatti, Kansas City, and … Continued

What makes transit-oriented development successful?

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an ideal approach to community development for a number of reasons that are economic, social, and environmental in nature. But is TOD ideal for every community? A recent study by the Center for Transit-Oriented Development (CTOD) has mapped out a formula for determining the likelihood of success for TOD in individual communities. Five … Continued

Special Walks Added to Ten Toe Express Spring Session

Spring Ten Toe Express is right around the corner with some exciting new CMT Special Walks! We have recently added to our list of special walks for the Spring 2013 Session of the Ten Toe Express. See the walk details below or check the Ten Toe website for more information. We hope to see you … Continued

St. Louis TOD Study Schedules New Public Meetings

The St. Louis Regional Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Study, led by East-West Gateway Council of Governments, has set dates for 5 new public meetings. As the TOD study project moves forward with its goal of promoting “compact, walkable communities centered around a high-quality rail system” and its efforts to increase transportation options, mobility, sustainability, and livability … Continued

CMT Economics of Building Around Light Rail draws crowd

More than 100 CMT members and friends turned out to hear Dena Belzer, national TOD expert and President of Strategic Economics, last week in St. Louis for the Economics of Building Around Light Rail. Ms. Belzer highlighted economic benefits of building around light rail as well as what happens in communities that do not thoroughly think through their … Continued

On the Move – Get involved in the discussion on transportation in Missouri

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) has initiated a new, statewide public engagement effort called “On the Move” to involve citizens in determining the future of Missouri’s transportation infrastructure and investments. Largely due to funding issues, MODOT is not currently able to execute all the needed improvements to the state’s highways, bridges, railways, and greenways. … Continued

Get registered for the Spring 2013 Ten Toe Express!

The Spring 2013 session of the Ten Toe Express is set to kick of the week of April 8. The 12-week Spring session will last from April to June, with weekly walks starting at the Brentwood, Forest Park, Belleville, and Shrewsbury MetroLink stations. Check online for walk schedules and details at Our Kick-off Walk to the … Continued

MO transportation bill wrap up to kick off the week

There was a lot of activity last week in Jefferson City with regards to transportation in Missouri.    Senator Kehoe filed SJR 16.  Upon voter approval, the bill would call for a temporary one-cent sales and use tax to bolster the creation and maintenance of city, county and state transportation needs by raising $7.9 billion in … Continued

MetroLink Monitor Volunteer Needed for Clayton Station

The MetroLink Monitor Program was established as part of the efforts of the Riders’ Advocate Committee at Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) to monitor the quality and condition of stations along the MetroLink alignment.  Volunteers observe and record conditions at each of the 37 MetroLink stations and report their findings to CMT on a monthly … Continued

Atlanta Touts Social Benefits of Public Transit

We often discuss the benefits of public transit in terms of job accessibility, improved air quality, reduced congestion, and economic development, but what other ways does transit benefit our communities? A new poll, based out of Atlanta, Georgia shows that transit may improve connections between individuals and their community, serving as a tool to enrich … Continued

Center for Transit-Oriented Development Releases Report for Pittsburgh, PA

A new report recently released by the Center for Transit-Oriented Development (CTOD) offers strategies for the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to tap into its TOD potential. The report focuses on three areas of investment – infrastructure, new development, and building the capacity of community groups. Stations with the best potential for TOD have been identified … Continued

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