The Bi-State Board of Commissioners approved an $18 million contract today for PGH Wong Engineering, Inc. to provide design engineering consulting services for the St. Louis MetroLink – Greenline project. In February, the East-West Gateway Council of Governments Board approved the Green Line as the locally preferred alternative in the Northside-Southside corridor. This 5.6 mile light rail line would run along Jefferson Avenue from Cherokee St. to Natural Bridge Road, then west to Grand Avenue in St. Louis City. Bi-State Development will serve as the Project Owner and Operator and is charged with the responsibility to manage design, land acquisition, and construction for the St. Louis MetroLink – Greenline project.
This 12 month contract is to bring the project to 30 percent design. The evaluation team on this project was composed of staff from BSD’s Engineering team and Planning/Systems, in addition to external partners from the City of St. Louis and a non-voting representative from Northside-Southside Transit Partners.
PGH Wong has committed to attain 19% DBE participation. The $18,030,000 contract includes a 10% contingency. A combination of defederalized COVID relief funds allocated to the City, and the St. Louis City Proposition 1 Sales Tax Reserves will be used to fund this portion of the project.