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Bi-State Board Approves $56 Million Security contract

At its February 28 Board meeting, the Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners approved a request to authorize the President & CEO to enter into a contract not to exceed $56,024,354 with Allied Universal Security Services, to provide Public Safety and Security Services for a five year period of time.

On November 27, 2024, Bi-State Development issued solicitation 25-RFP-545365-TJL Public Safety & Security Services to obtain a qualified firm to provide public safety and security services for Metro transit system – stations, transit centers, facilities, vehicles, and any other designated areas of Metro in Missouri and Illinois. The contract period of performance consists of five (5) base years, with funds to be committed annually. Five proposals were received, of which all were deemed responsive and evaluated on their technical merit.

Allied Universal Security Services was the highest technical ranking firm of the five proposals.  Funding will be provided through the agency’s operating budget.

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