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Bi-State Board Approves $4 million Contract for 3-Year Fare  Collection Contract

The Bi-State Board of Commissioners approved a three-year contract with Masabi at their Feb. 17 Board of Commissioners meeting for an electronic fare collection system, in the not-to-exceed amount of $4,000,000.00.

Originally, Bi-State  issued a request for proposals for an electronic fare collecting system on January 14, 2021, seeking vendor proposals for an account-based electronic fare collection system through a cloud-hosted platform that would work with smart cards, paper barcodes and contactless credit cards. Ten responses were received, however, the Bi-State board tabled the decision on the project in May 2021.  In June, 2022, an RFP was released for a Fare Collection Program Consultant.  Consult Hyperion was selected to assist in developing a new fare collection system for Bi-State. The modernized system will tie into the Secure Platform Plan (SPP), which is dependent upon an updated fare system to open the planned gates at all MetroLink stations. Consult Hyperion recommended that Bi-State complete the electronic faring RFP process that it began in 2021, by awarding Masabi with a contract to provide an electronic fare collection system.

The cost of the electronic faring system is projected to be $4 million, which includes $2,169,125.79 in capital expenses and three years of support, maintenance and transaction fees. Funding for this project will be provided through Section 5307 formula funds, Proposition M and the St. Clair County Transit District.

CMT currently has a fare survey underway for St. Louis transit riders. Weigh in today on your thoughts on fare options in St. Louis.  

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