Citizens for Modern Transit sponsors the CMT Ten Toes + Transit program to help individuals lead healthier lives by linking activity, sociability, and exercise with the use of MetroLink and MetroBus. Online registration is available below.
Spring 2025 Registration is Available Here.
Registration in the Ten Toes Program costs $15 and registrants receive:
- A walking kit, valued at $50, that includes a pedometer, transit tickets, and a program-branded bag;
- Opportunities to walk with family and friends around the St. Louis area;
- Opportunities to use MetroLink and MetroBus to reach places outside your neighborhood;
- Information on how physical activity and nutrition affect your health and well-being; and
- Online resources to track your walking and eating habits.
If you choose to be a part of the CMT Ten Toes + Transit program, we will keep all information you provide us confidential. Your privacy will be protected and your name will not be used in any materials unless consent is given.
At the end of each 12-week session, you will be invited to re-register for the next session.
If you have any questions about the CMT Ten Toes + Transit program, you can contact CMT staff at 314-231-7272 or visit
Please email CMT if you have any questions or if you are interested in volunteering with the CMT Ten Toes + Transit program:
Special thanks to our sponsors, AARP in St. Louis, the St. Clair County Transit District, and the Centene Foundation.