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CMT Process for Evaluation of RFP Proposals for grant programs

All proposals submitted in response to a CMT request for proposal (RFP) will initially be evaluated using the following criteria (each weighted equally):

  1. Qualifications of person/firm conducting the work
  2. Proposal Quality
  3. Product samples – samples provided and/or on firm website need to be relevant to work being asked to be completed.

Once the proposals are narrowed down to the top candidates using these criteria, the final selection will be determined with consideration to price and the above criteria. The proposal providing the best value to the project will be selected.

CMT will award the work to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the project, with price and other factors considered.  CMT reserves the right to reject any proposals deemed non-responsive to the RFP. CMT reserves the right to reject all proposals if the competitive process is not met and may reissue the RFP with or without changes.



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