Big Shark Bicycle Company is a full-service bike shop in downtown St. Louis located is adjacent to the Downtown Bicycle Station on Locust Street. The Downtown Bicycle Station offers secure 24-hour access and features over 120 bike racks, showers, and locker rooms and is ideal for bicyclists commuting to work or looking to exercise on their lunch break. The Downtown Bicycle Station is supported by Great Rivers Greenway, The City of St. Louis, and Downtown STL. Walkers will learn about how every day commuters use these assets in combination with transit to get around the region for their daily work commute.
When: Thursday, June 9, 2022
Where to meet CMT: Shrewsbury MetroLink Station
Time: 9:00 am
Length of Walk: 0.5 to 1 mile
Special Guest Walk Leaders: Justin with Big Shark Bicycle Company
Limited Walk Capacity: 30 people
United States