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Now is Time to Contact Your Missouri Legislator on State Transit Investment

With only less than two months before the end of the 2025 Missouri Legislative Session, now is the time for transit supporters and riders to reach out on the importance of state investment in public transit.   This year’s session began with Governor Kehoe reducing transit investment by $5 million from General Revenue.   The budget is … Continued


Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) – the region’s transit advocacy organization – has elected two new members to its Board of Directors, including Tim Brinker of Greater St. Louis, Inc., and Laura Stock of Clayco Enterprise. Both will serve multi-year terms. Brinker is the Senior Vice President for Government Relations for Greater St. Louis, Inc., … Continued

CMT Releases RFP for Programming and PR services

CMT in is undertaking a 20 month education campaign, which will include transit benefit programming, education on transit options, community campaigns, placemaking and transit access.  CMT is seeking a firm to assist with these efforts in planning, executing and promoting these events and messaging items. The programs would include Social marketing; email outreach; promotional events; … Continued

STL County Plans Series of Open Houses Regarding Comprehensive Plan

Saint Louis County is inviting residents to help shape the future of the community at upcoming open houses in April. The County has been working to create a comprehensive plan that addresses some of the most challenging issues facing County residents, including housing affordability, transportation, sustainability, and more. To ensure that this plan truly reflects … Continued

Missouri Public Transit Association Panel Discussion to Highlight Results of 2025 Statewide Transit Needs Assessment

The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) will host a virtual panel discussion on Wednesday April 9, 2025 to highlight the results of the 2025 Missouri Transit Needs Assessment Study.  MPTA commissioned an update to the 2022 Statewide Transit Needs Assessment Study in January. St. Louis-based Lochmueller Group – a full-service survey, planning, engineering and environmental firm – … Continued

KC Transit Provider Considers Service Cuts in Light of Increased Expenses

The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA), the transit agency in Kansas City,  is potentially looking at proposed service reductions as a result of the increased cost of providing public transit in the post- COVID years and the depletion of federal pandemic funds. They will host two public meetings this week to discuss potential service … Continued

Metro Transit has Scheduled Multiple Community Connect Events for May 2025

Metro Transit has announced they will hold 4 Community Connect events during the month of May. Community Connect events are an opportunity for the general public and transit riders to hear the latest transit news directly from Metro Transit staff in addition to sharing feedback regarding their own experience using transit. Three of the events … Continued

Don’t Miss Opportunity to Sponsor CMT’s 41st Annual Meeting on September 19

Celebrating 41 years of moving advocacy to action in 2025 FY25 is underscoring the fact that Transit matters. This year we are actively seeing light rail expansion happen in Ill, new technologies arriving in the region for transit, future growth opportunities including the Northside Southside corridor, transit transformations, ridership gains and more around the St. … Continued

Metro Transit Service Change set for March 17

Metro Transit will make minor schedule and routing changes to 17 MetroBus routes in Missouri and Illinois on Monday, March 17, as part of a quarterly service change. Metro uses feedback from customers and operators, along with trip data, to make changes to the transit system to improve on-time performance, bus-train connections, and provide better service. There are … Continued

Bi-State Board Approves $56 Million Security contract

At its February 28 Board meeting, the Bi-State Development Board of Commissioners approved a request to authorize the President & CEO to enter into a contract not to exceed $56,024,354 with Allied Universal Security Services, to provide Public Safety and Security Services for a five year period of time. On November 27, 2024, Bi-State Development … Continued

Bi-State Board Approves $340 Million FY26 Operating Budget

The Bi-State Board of Commissioners approved the FY 2026 Operating Budget and the Bi-State Development FY 2026 – FY 2028 Capital Budget. Approval by the Bi-State Board is the first of several steps in the annual budget approval process. The Operating Budget now moves to the three regional transit funding partners for review and approval … Continued

Weigh in Today on SB77: Guns on Transit is Not the Answer for Safety

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) and Missouri transit need your help.  Yesterday Senate Bill B77, the conceal carry on transit bill sponsored by Senator  Schnelting, was reported in and will now go on the Senate Perfection Calendar.   Bills introduced this session in the MO House and Senate would allow individuals with conceal/carry permits to … Continued

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