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Our Mission

CMT leads efforts for an integrated, affordable, and convenient public transportation system with light rail expansion as the critical component that will drive economic growth to improve quality of life in the St. Louis region.

From the Blog

CMT To Host Candid Conversation with Commuters on January 10

Join CMT to hear the latest updates for commuters including fare changes, Call-A-Ride service and more.

From the Blog

State of Transit in the Region Set for January 14, 2025. Join CMT for the latest updates on construction, operations and the future of transit in the region.

From the Blog

Consider a Year-End Gift to CMT to Support Transit

Citizens for Modern Transit considers an investment in transit to be an investment in the future of the St. Louis region. We invite you to make your investment today with a year-end gift to CMT.

Transit Drives the Economy

Fact #10

The first five years of MetroLink Green Line operations are projected to generate $58.5 million in statewide economic activity. (Projected Green Line Economic Impacts 2024-2035 Study)

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