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Our Mission

CMT leads efforts for an integrated, affordable, and convenient public transportation system with light rail expansion as the critical component that will drive economic growth to improve quality of life in the St. Louis region.

From the Blog

CMT Releases RFP for Bus Stop Design 

CMT in partnership with AARP in ST. Louis and the St. Clair County Transit District has released an RFP for design for its latest Transit Transformation project.

From the Blog

Transit is a Lucky Charm
Find out how you can have some fun on Transit while registering for the Guaranteed Ride Home.

From the Blog

Spring Ten Toes + Transit Registration Open 

Registration for the Spring 2025 Ten Toes + Transit Program is now open. Check out all the new features.

Transit Drives the Economy

Fact #18

Investment in public transportation offers an economic return of $5 for every $1 invested.

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