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CMT receives APTA Local Transit Coalition Grant

Citizens for Modern Transit is excited to announce it is a recipient of a grant under the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) Local Transit Coalition Grant Program. The grant will help expand the focus of the newly launched CMT Try & Ride Program in areas with a higher concentration of bus service to introduce new … Continued

CMT releases new RFP for graphic design work

Citizens for Modern Transit Request for Proposals Graphic Design Work CMAQ Contract 5456(611) Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a consultant to assist CMT with a transit community-wide campaign on the “Faces of Transit,” the benefits of public transportation outlined by actual riders and CMT members to increase transit ridership on the system.  The … Continued

Join CMT at Railvolution This Year – Sept 21-24, 2014 in Minneapolis

Railvolution 2014 is fast approaching, and CMT encourages any and all transit enthusiasts to attend the conference September 21-24 in Minneapolis/St. Paul this year. Railvolution bills itself “As a learning network, Rail~Volution brings together people, like you, who are passionate about building livable communities with transit. A Movement. A Network. An Event.” At the conference, … Continued

Moving forward after Amendment 7

Yesterday, Missouri voters had the opportunity to vote on Amendment 7, a three-fourths of one percent increase in Missouri’s sales tax dedicated to the improvement of priority transportation projects in Missouri.  While Amendment 7 may have failed at the polls, it was a historic move on the part of the Missouri legislature. For the first … Continued

Perceptions of Safety Keep Older Adults from Transit

A 2012 study of 772 adults in St. Louis assessed perceptions of the built environment and discovered that adults over 60 are significantly less likely to use public transportation than younger persons for 2 primary reasons: Concerns about pedestrian safety at and around the stations due to speeding traffic Perceived crime on the system These … Continued

CMT Releases New Ten Toe Walking Maps to 5 GRG Greenways!

CMT is taking transit to trails.  Over the years, CMT has produced more than a hundred walking maps from MetroLink stations in the region to exciting St. Louis destinations for the Ten Toe Express, a walking program linking MetroLink and MetroBus with residents’ own ten toes to explore St. Louis and step towards healthier lives! Thanks to … Continued

CMT’s 30th Annual Meeting & Awards Ceremony on Sept. 12, 2014

SOLD OUT – CMT to kick off 30 years of work in St. Louis moving transit forward in the region. When: Friday, September 12, 2014 12 Noon –  Registration 12:20 pm – Lunch 12:45 p.m. – Program   Place: Renaissance Grand Hotel, Crystal Ballroom Address: 800 Washington Ave, St. Louis, MO 63101 Accessible by Convention Center … Continued

Amendment 7 game changer for transit funding in MO

For the first time in Missouri’s history, there is a proposed State constitutional amendment which will provide dedicated state funding for public transit.  Right now, each year, public transit advocates and providers of transit fight to preserve a little more than $1 million in funding for more than 30 transit providers in the state. Missouri’s … Continued

Metro Moving Transit Forward with a New Transit Center in North County

Metro held the groundbreaking on its new Transit Center in North St. Louis County on July 22.  By renovating an old car dealership at 3140 Pershall Road, Ferguson, MO 63136, Metro will be creating a new bus hub for transit commuters in North County and throughout the region.  With an indoor waiting area, restrooms, concessions, … Continued

Wabash Station Survey Results

CMT and the Skinker DeBaliviere Community Council asked residents what they wanted to see happen at the Historic Wabash Station and the responses had several themes, all with the emphasis of bringing it back to life along with activating the street around the station.  Do you have a preference on the suggestions? Entrance to the MetroLink … Continued

Help Your Employees with Transit with CMT’s Try & Ride

With more than  200 local drivers trying transit for the first time, now is a great time for local employers to encourage employees to try transit too.  CMT often hears about parking restrictions, parking costs, and the countless other hassles of driving to work every day.  In an attempt to help encourage commuters to try transit, … Continued


Today, Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) announced its support for Amendment 7, a three-fourths of one percent increase in Missouri’s sales tax dedicated to the improvement of priority transportation projects in Missouri. “Passage of HJR 68 to move Amendment 7 to the ballot this August was a monumental task in and of itself,” said Kim … Continued

CMT & the St. Louis Green Business Challenge Focus on CarSharing in St. Louis

CMT and the St. Louis Green Business Challenge presented a panel discussion on the ins and outs of CarSharing in St. Louis on Tuesday, June 24, 2014. Jean Ponzi of the St. Louis Green Business Challenge and Missouri Botanical Gardens introduced the Green Business Challenge and the benefits to companies for participating.  She highlighted that … Continued

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