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TIGER Grants roar into MO

  Last week, U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announced the funding of 72 transportation projects selected to receive a total of nearly $600 million through the 2014 TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) Program.  Projects were funded in 46 states and the District of Columbia. Three projects in Missouri received funding for a totaling $21.5 million.  … Continued

CMT showcases opportunities for space near TRANSIT on Park(ing) Day

 What better way to show potential development in an area around transit than to actually have that development “pop-up” for all to see.  That was just CMT’s idea when it launched the CMT Metro Market in 2014 at the Shrewsbury-Lansdowne MetroLink Station, and now CMT is bringing it back for Park(ing) Day in  Downtown St. Louis … Continued

Citizens for Modern Transit elects new board members at Annual Meeting

The Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) membership unanimously elected Terry Briggs, Director of Communications for Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust; Karin Hagaman, Director of Project Development with Cortex Innovations Community; and Jennifer Obertino, Vice-President and Operations Manager of the Missouri-Kansas Operations for URS Corporation to three-year terms on the board at CMT’s 30th Annual Meeting … Continued

CMT honors public & private organizations for advancing transit at 30th Annual Meeting

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) recently recognized several public and private organizations for their efforts to advance the development of new light rail in the St. Louis region. Awards were presented to BJC Healthcare, Washington University, the Cortex Innovation Community and Great Rivers Greenway, along with the City of Pagedale and Beyond Housing, during CMT’s … Continued

CMT announces 2014 BEst Workplaces for Commuters winners

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is pleased to announce Microgrid Energy and Washington University as the winners of the 2014 Best Workplaces for Commuters competition. These employers were recognized for their outstanding commuter benefits at CMT’s 30th Annual Meeting, held last week at the Renaissance Grand Hotel in downtown St. Louis, and will receive a one-year … Continued

TIGER Grant awarded Metro for St. Louis Cortex Station & CWE upgrades

Senator McCaskill’s office just announced that TIGER Grants were approved for capital funding for the St. Louis CORTEX MetroLink station and CWE Station upgrades and MO River Bridge in Washington, MO.  Approximately $10.3 million was awarded to the Cortex project specifically. TIGER funds are highly competitive, federal grant monies for infrastructure projects.  The funds are … Continued

2014 APA conference to be held in St. Louis on Sustainable Communities

BUILDING SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Wednesday October 15 – Friday October 17, 2014 in St. Louis, Missouri   Mark your calendars and please join the St. Louis Metro Section as they host the 2014 Missouri State APA Conference. This year’s conference will be held at the Westin Hotel located in downtown St. Louis next to Busch Stadium.  … Continued

CMT wraps up fiscal year on high note for transit & the organization

CMT wraps up its fiscal year on a high for transit with a potential new light rail station on the MetroLink alignment in the future, its upcoming SOLD OUT Annual Meeting on Sept. 12; record numbers of St. Louisans getting on board to try transit for the first time;  and surpassing our membership goal for FY14 … Continued

Invaluable Feedback Rolling in From CMT Try & Ride Participants

One of the best parts of CMT’s Try & Ride Program is the feedback we get from participants.  The comments are sometimes inspiring and sometimes highlight areas where the system has room for growth, but all in all it’s interesting to read their stories and we have gathered a few testimonials to share below. Want … Continued

CMT MetroLink Monitors watch over MetroLink system throughout the year

CMT’s MetroLink Monitor volunteers gathered for their annual meeting  to review their report findings from the year and to discuss Metro operations with Ray Friem, Metro’s Chief Operating Officer. CMT’s MetroLink Monitor having been ‘watching and reviewing’ the St.  Louis light rail system for 12 years.  Volunteers visit MetroLink Stations throughout the region and assess how … Continued

Consider joining CMT today to move transit forward in the region

Almost three decades ago Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) began its mission to introduce MetroLink to the St. Louis metropolitan area. Since its opening in 1993, ridership has exceeded expectations with an average of 60,000 people choosing MetroLink each day during summer months. What’s more, because of MetroLink integration with the bus system, St. Louisans … Continued

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