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Could a State Infrastructure Bank Finance Transit in MO?

Citizens for Modern Transit’s study of possible funding mechanisms for transit is underway. Study results will be available in July 2015.   In its continued exploration of transit financing options for the region, should State Infrastructure Bank financing be considered? In 1995, State Infrastructure Banks (SIB) were piloted by the Federal Government in 10 states.    … Continued

Launch of CMT Try & Ride highlight of 2014

There were some exciting highs for transit this year in St. Louis including the award of a $10.4 million TIGER grant for a new light rail station on the existing MetroLink alignment and enhancements to the busiest station on the St. Louis system, the Central West End Station.  In addition, CMT just recently commissioned a study to … Continued

Transit on the move in 2014 – A year in review

As we wrap up 2014 at Citizens for Modern Transit, we can’t help but highlight some of the transit successes this year. While there was no groundbreaking or construction, transit is on the move nationally and in the St. Louis region.   Nationally, more than $81.5 billion in projects were planned or under construction including Bus Rapid Transit … Continued

Letter from CMT Executive Director

December 12, 2014 Dear CMT members and friends, The end of 2014 is fast approaching.  If transit is on your wish list for 2015, please consider a  special, tax-deductible year-end gift to CMT this year.  You can make a gift online. To give you a sense of your return on investment, here our some of … Continued

St. Louis’ Public Transit: All walks of life, we all ride together

Public transit is the key to bringing our community together. It connects individuals to jobs, communities and each other. Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is committed to working with various partners in the St. Louis region to support the community’s existing bus, light rail and Call-A-Ride services, while actively advocating for additional transit options. Discussions are … Continued

Consider CMT & Transit on Giving Tuesday on December 2!

 “Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday” CMT will be participating in Giving Tuesday on December 2, 2014 where “charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.”  If better transit is on your wish list this year, we hope to hear … Continued

Wabash Station key to larger development moving forward?

Communities across the country are realizing the benefits of Transit Oriented Development’s ability to create livable, walkable communities.  Citizens for Modern Transit and the Skinker DeBaliviere Community Council partnered through a grant from Rise St. Louis to focus on the Wabash Station as a potential gateway to transit in the St. Louis region. The Wabash … Continued

CMT in the News last week

CMT received significant media coverage on the transit funding study and the CMT Try & Ride Program last week .  With growing interest in public transportation, we know good things are in store for the region and CMT is honored to be working with you to take transit to the next level in St. Louis. … Continued

CMT recieves OLGA AWARD at East West Gateway Annual Meeting

CMT was honored with an Outstanding Local Government Achievement (OLGA) Award from the East-West Gateway Council of Governments on November 14.   CMT Board Vice-Chair Nancy Cross stood with representatives from Cortex, the St. Louis Regional Chamber, the Board of Alderman, Metro, and St. Louis City to accept the East West Gateway OLGA Award for exemplary public/private or public/non-profit … Continued

CMT commissions study to look at funding mechanisms for transit in the region

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) today announced it has commissioned a study of potential funding strategies designed to support public transit in the St. Louis region. The organization will partner with Transportation for America to conduct the six-month study which will aim to assess current fiscal capacity for transit expansion and operation, analyze the best … Continued

Making the case for transit & transit funding

Citizens for Modern Transit’s Case for Transit & Transit Funding (download this Q&A here.) How much are St. Louisans spending on transportation? The average household in St. Louis currently spends almost 20 percent of its budget on transportation, obscuring the fact that this region is an affordable place to live. According to the Location Affordability … Continued

2014 Ten Toe Express on track with record breaking participation

This month, CMT’s Fall 2014 Ten Toe Express Session will conclude and as always, there is so much to celebrate!  Firstly, CMT thanks its Ten Toe Express long term volunteer walk leaders who make this program the success that it is:  Dan and Meredith O’Connor, Norm and Joan Krumrey, Mary Blaies, Loretta Davis and Mary … Continued

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