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Rauner considering a cut to Amtrak funding

February 19, 2015:  Illinois Governor Rauner unveiled a spending plan yesterday that would cut train service levels across the state of Illinois.  The plan suggests a $16 million cut to the current $42 million subsidy which would result in a reduction in the number of trains running between Chicago and St. Louis and Chicago and … Continued

Bill introduced putting transit on more equal playing field with driving

The Association for Commuter Transportation announces the introduction of the Commuter Benefit Parity Act of 2015. This bipartisan legislation would establish parity between the parking and transit portions of the transportation fringe benefit by setting the monthly caps for both at $235/month. Transportation costs represent the second-largest household expense for American families. According to Transportation for … Continued

House committee adds $1million in transit assistance to MoDOT budget

The House Appropriations Committee for Revenue, Transportation and Economic Development met Wednesday to pass out the bills for each department budget.  Chairman Lincoln Hough had prepared an amendment to make several changes to MODOT’s budget.  Many transit supporters including CMT have been pushing for the $1,000,000 core cut to transit assistance recommended by Governor Jay … Continued


#cmttransitcrush Local transit enthusiasts to meet along the MetroLink alignment to show their love for the region’s transit system this Friday during the evening commute! Love will be in the air along the MetroLink alignment on Feb. 13 as CMT and the Saint Louis Football Club team up to host the first-ever Transit Crush event, … Continued

MoDOT adopts 325 plan

The Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission adopted the 325 program this past week.  With only $325 million allocated for a system that requires $485 million to maintain, MoDOT has narrowed its priorities. A few background points first. Missouri has the 7th largest transportation system in the country, and it ranks 46th in revenue spent per mile. … Continued

Don’t miss CMT’s Great Race 2015: A Relay to the Rails

After hosting three, highly successful Great Race competitions placing Team TRANSIT, Team BIKE, Team CARSHARE and Team CARPOOL in a head-to-head competition to see which commuters could get from Point A to Point B the fastest during the evening rush via their respective transportation modes, Citizens for Modern Transit is excited to announce a new … Continued

Transportation Funding: How is the Highway Trust Fund funded?

With discussions happening on the local, state and federal level with regards to funding of transportation/public transit infrastructure – one question continues to pop up – what’s happening to the funding for transportation?  The gas tax, currently paid at the pump by car drivers, has paid for road and transit projects since the 1930’s. However, Americans … Continued

CMT & AARP team up to co-host the Spring 2015 Ten Toe Express Program

New partnership will give more than 300,000 St. Louis area AARP members access to the benefits of the unique walk program for active older adults Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) is pleased to announce it is teaming up with AARP to help further promote transit and walking through its successful Ten Toe Express Walk Program. … Continued


Feb. 13 event will give transit enthusiasts the chance to show their love for MetroLink Love will be in the air along the MetroLink alignment on Feb. 13  as Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) and the Saint Louis Football Club outdoor professional soccer team will team up to host the first-ever Transit Crush event, designed … Continued

KC Streetcar lessons for the St. Louis transit discussion

CMT hosted a sneak peek of the Kansas City Streetcar project in St. Louis on Jan. 22.  The streetcar project is currently under construction, has millions in development going in along its path, and residents will soon be able to hop on board in early 2016. The 2 mile modern street-running streetcar project is estimated to cost … Continued

Governor talks transportation in his State of the State address

Below is an excerpt from Governor Nixon’s State of the State address last evening.  He touches on the importance of making sure the state of Missouri’s transportation infrastructure is addressed.   Here is an opportunity for CMT members and friends to reach out to the Governor and your elected officials to talk about a total transportation plan … Continued

CHRISTNER secures title in CMT & Green Business TRY & RIDE Challenge

Representatives from Citizens for Modern Transit and the St. Louis Green Business Challenge officially named the local green design firm, Christner, Inc., as the winner of its 2014 Try & Ride Green Business Leaders Commuter Challenge. The announcement was made during the Green Business Challenge meeting held at the Lakeside Café at the Saint Louis … Continued

Cromnibus includes full funding authorized under MAP-21

On the 16th of December, President Obama signed into law the $1.1 trillion government spending bill passed by Congress the prior week and averted a government shutdown that would have otherwise been triggered if he didn’t sign it.  The legislation known as “cromnibus,” was a 1,600 page spending package containing 11 appropriations bills that fund … Continued

CMT releases RFP for Graphic Design for Citizens for Modern Transit

Federal Project CMAQ-5456(611) Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a graphic design consultant to assist CMT with a spring advertising campaign on CMT’s Try & Ride Program, a program to entice new riders to the transit system with complimentary tickets, personalized route from home to work, and tips and tricks on how to ride. … Continued

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