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MO legislative update on transportation funding

The MO Senate Transportation Committee voted SB 540 out of committee this week. The bill increases the fuel tax two cents per year over the next three years.  MoDOT and supporters of the bill stress the need for this legislation in order to continue to draw down federal matching dollars and to eliminate the necessity … Continued

Metro releases new mobile app for the transit system

Metro On The Go, the official mobile application of the Metro transit system, is now available to all Metro riders. The new mobile app combines the features of Metro’s web-based Trip Planner with real-time vehicle data and the location services of the user’s mobile device. Transit riders now have a convenient, easy-to-use way to know … Continued

Loop Trolley Construction will impact Transit Service to Forest Park

The Loop Trolley project will impact MetroBus routes serving Forest Park as well as how MetroLink customers will be able to access the Forest Park-DeBaliviere MetroLink Station for several months starting on March 30. The changes are necessary in order to accommodate construction work and the closure and demolition of the DeBaliviere Bridge at the … Continued

Stand up for Transit on April 9 with CMT

Don’t miss the opportunity to take a stand for transit in the St. Louis region on April 9 by taking a seat. Yes, that is right. Ride the bus or train, take a seat, and show your support for transit with Citizens for Modern Transit. This day is an opportunity to call attention to the … Continued

HR1393 looks at giving more control to local communities on transportation projects

A bipartisan group of senators and representatives have released a bill giving local communities more access to, and control over, a share of the federal transportation dollars that flow into their states.  Representatives Davis (R-IL), Titus (D-NV) Harper, (R-MS), Bustos (D-IL), Lipinski (D-IL) and Cartwright (D-PA) co-sponsored H.R. 1393, the Innovation in Surface Transportation Act of 2015. … Continued

CMT & Creating Whole Communities look at transit’s role in development in communities

CMT & Creating Whole Communities partnered on March 12 to present Transportation’s Impact on the Neighborhood.  The program featured  Rosa Ortiz with Enterprise Community Partners on transit’s role in creating equitable development opportunities in a community.  Enterprise Community Partners has worked in communities across the country to ensure TOD is attainable along transit infrastructure corridors.   Ms. Ortiz serves as a … Continued

CMT 2015 Ten Toe Express Kick-Off Walk SOLD OUT!

The CMT & AARP St. Louis Ten Toe Express kick-off walk on April 2, 2015 has sold out. Ten Toe registrations are going strong and the kick-off walk has reached capacity.  On April 2, the group will be walking to the 6 North Apartment Building to learn about Universal Design.  This walk was developed in … Continued

New appointments to Metro Board of Commissioners

The Bi-State Development Agency (BSDA) announced the appointments of Vernal Brown and Irma Golliday to the BSDA Board of Commissioners during the February board meeting on Friday, February 27. Brown, a resident of St. Louis County, was appointed to the BSDA Board by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and replaces Commissioner Kevin Cahill. Golliday, a resident … Continued

CMT Issues an RFP for Website updates

Citizens for Modern Transit request for proposal on Try & Ride Web Development work Transit Rider Improvement Program Federal Project Number CMAQ-5456(611); TIP# 5831-13 Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a consultant to make CMT’s Try & Ride program pages on the CMT website more visually appealing, graphic, interactive, easy to find and use.  … Continued

CMT issues RFP for Graphic Design for Great Race 2015

Request for Proposals for Graphic Design to Citizens for Modern Transit Federal Project CMAQ-5401-710  Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a graphic design consultant to assist CMT with a spring advertising campaign on CMT’s Great Race and May transit events to promote ridership on the transit system. Work products will include creation and development … Continued

CMT celebrates 30th year with more programming in 2015

Tomorrow marks the halfway point of CMT’s 30th Anniversary year, and we have loads more to do to move transit forward in the region. We are excited to share all of these great events with CMT members and friends as a part of our 30th Anniversary celebration. We know public transit is the key to bringing … Continued

Transit projects on the move nationally

On February 2, President Obama released his fiscal year (FY) 2016 budget request for funding the federal government.  According to the Center for Transportation Excellence, within the budget request, the Federal Transit Administration’s New Starts/Small Starts grant program designated 54 projects to receive grants to improve and/or expand public transit. Many of the awards  include … Continued

CMT to receive 2015 What’s Right with the Region Award from Focus

On May 7, 2015, FOCUS St. Louis will honor 20 organizations, individuals, and initiatives that are making a difference in St. Louis at the 18th annual What’s Right with the Region! awards celebration. The honorees were nominated by the public and selected by a panel of community judges for their impact and service to the … Continued

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