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CMT presents the Denver Story; Creative Financing to bring Transit to fruition on Nov. 4

  Come hear how Denver’s FasTracks Transit Program came to fruition through creative financing Denver RTD is building out their multi-billion dollar FasTracks program with almost $6 billion complete or under construction.   The FasTracks program includes commuter rail, light rail, bus rapid transit and expansion and redevelopment of Denver Union Station and the surrounding area. … Continued

Increase for transit in MoDOT’s FY17 appropriations request

The Missouri Department of Transportation released its appropriations request for Fiscal Year 2017.  The $2.69 billion budget includes 6 percent or $149 million for multi-modal including public transit. The State Transit Program is increasing to $4.2 million; $3 million from General Revenue and $1.2 million from the State Transportation Fund. These funds will be passed on to … Continued

CMT kicks off FY16 with a year of events & programming

 Today marks the kick-off of Fiscal year 2016 for Citizens for Modern Transit, and we have some great events and programming planned to increase the number of St. Louisans on board with transit and help move transit forward in the region. We are excited to share all of these great events with CMT members and friends. We … Continued

CMT teams up with GRG to launch Fall Ten Toe Express

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) today launched the fall session of its Ten Toe Express program, which helps older adults integrate walking with public transit use to explore many of the region’s cultural and entertainment hot spots. This time around, the organization is teaming up with Great Rivers Greenway to spotlight the links that exist … Continued

CMT wraps up FY15 on a high note

As we wrap up Fiscal Year 2015 at Citizens for Modern Transit, we can’t help but highlight some of the successes this year as an organization and for transit in this region. A little more than three decades ago CMT began its mission to introduce MetroLink to the St. Louis area. This year we had the distinct honor … Continued

How would you fund transit in STL?

Citizens for Modern Transit recently released the results from its Transit Funding Study looking at ways to creatively fund transit in the region based on case studies from other cities.  CMT commissioned the Transit Funding Study in partnership with Transportation for American in November 2014 in an effort to draw attention to the overall lack of … Continued

Metro service changes set for Aug. 31

MetroBus routes and schedules are regularly updated to improve MetroLink connections and MetroBus on-time performance. Details of the Quarterly Service Change effective Monday, August 31, are as follows:   #41 Lee: Time adjustments to improve schedule adherence on weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. #49 North Lindbergh: Schedule adjustments to provide better connections at the Ballas Transit … Continued

MO Transit; Not just an urban issue

When we talk about transit in the State of Missouri, many times that discussion is centered around the more urban areas – St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia.   However, transit is playing a key role in more and more of the rural areas providing service to jobs, healthcare, and other essential trips. For example, OATS … Continued

It pays to be a member of CMT

Joining Citizens for Modern Transit is one of the best investments you’ll make this year. Join in the next several weeks and you could see even more benefits from CMT. Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) members and friends are moving transit forward, and we invite you to join us as a member today! When you … Continued

Short term extension for Transportation bill through Oct.

Last week the Senate passed a six year transportation bill, the Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy ( DRIVE) Act, which authorizes funding for six years. The House did not take up the Senate bill before their August recess resulting in Congress passing a three month extension to MAP-21 that extends through … Continued

CMT wants to hear from our Ten Toe Express walkers

CMT is planning ahead for the Fall 2015 Ten Toe Express Session. As a part of those planning efforts, CMT would like to hear from past Ten Toe Express participants on what worked for you, what didn’t and ways we can make this program even better in its 9th year!  Here is a link to … Continued

CMT releases findings from Transit Funding Study

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) today released the results of its six-month Transit Funding Study conducted by Transportation for America. The findings, which were shared this morning at an event held in conjunction with the transit advocacy organization’s 30th anniversary, reinforced that major light rail expansion could be a reality for the St. Louis area … Continued

CMT releases RFP for graphic design for Fall Try & Ride campaign

Request for Proposals for Graphic Design to Citizens for Modern Transit Federal Project CMAQ-5456(611) Citizens for Modern Transit (“CMT”) is seeking a graphic design consultant to assist CMT with a fall advertising campaign on CMT’s Try & Ride Program, a program to entice new riders to the transit system with complimentary tickets, personalized route from … Continued

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