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Don’t miss opportunity to sponsor CMT’s Great Race 2016

WebOn Thursday, May 12, CMT will host CMT’s Great Race 2016: Linking the Last Mile. It will integrate transit, biking, carsharing, and carpooling as the teams race to the final destination at Cortex Commons in Midtown St. Louis. This new approach will help to raise awareness about the viable alternative transportation options that exist, demonstrate how seamlessly these modes can be integrated together, and for the first time, the importance of the ‘last mile’ with regards to access around our stations.

More specifically, the competition will place two multi-modal teams against one another. The teams will start at the same time, and whichever group gets to the finish line first wins. The race will culminate with a happy hour celebration at the Cortex Commons in Midtown.

Sponsorships are available at the Gold Level ($5,000), Silver Level ($3,000) and Bronze Level ($1,000). Incentives vary according to the level of commitment. GreatRace2016 sponsorship form

Please consider becoming an event sponsor.   Sponsor today online!

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