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CMT receives APTA Local Transit Coalition Grant

Citizens for Modern Transit is excited to announce it is a recipient of a grant under the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) Local Transit Coalition Grant Program. The grant will allow CMT to focus on creating statewide messages based on the results of the CMT commissioned Transit Funding Study.

“Grassroots transit organizations can be the catalyst for positive changes in communities, especially coalitions with the record of success as Citizens for Modern Transit.   NAPTA is pleased to support their efforts to promote transit as a strategy for sparking economic growth, enhancing quality of life, and underpinning vibrant communities across the St. Louis region.”  
–Art Guzzetti, Vice President – Policy, American Public Transportation Association
Earlier this year, CMT released the results of its six-month Transit Funding Study conducted by Transportation for America. The study showed that increased state participation and state funding is crucial to moving any transit project forward in the St. Louis Region, or anywhere in Missouri.
Earlier this year, CMT released the results of its six-month Transit Funding Study conducted by Transportation for America. The study showed that increased state participation and state funding is crucial to moving any transit project forward in the St. Louis Region, or anywhere in Missouri.

The goal of the grant-funded messaging is to educate state legislators about the importance of transit and begin to build consensus for a funding package to improve public transit in Missouri.

Nationally, Missouri ranks near the bottom of states funding public transit. Last year alone Metro/Bi-State Development Agency, the largest transit agency in the state of Missouri with a $250 million plus budget, received only slightly more than $200,000 for its capital/operating needs. The majority of local funding is being utilized for operations of the current system.
This project will also provide the basis for pilot messages for other states and regions nationally facing funding issues for transit expansion and operation.

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