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CMT launches program for area residents to “Try & Ride” Transit on June 16

WHAT_GREAT_RIDE_ON_YELLOW logoFor many area residents, the thought of using mass transit comes with a mass number of questions like – What route do I take? How long does it take? Where do I purchase tickets? What if I take the MetroLink to work and later need my car? To help combat this issue and help area residents overcome some of the perceived hurdles associated with using public transit for the workday commute, Citizens for Modern Transit is introducing a new Try & Ride program. The program is available to any Missouri or Illinois resident who is a new rider to the MetroLink or MetroBus.

“Many shy away from public transportation due to the fear of the unknown,” commented Kim Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “The goal of our new Try & Ride program is to help new users navigate the St. Louis transit systems and ultimately enable them to experience firsthand all that these extremely viable modes have to offer.”

Upon registering, each program participant receives a packet in the mail with a personalized transit route for the work commute, a month of complimentary tickets, a journal to capture stories and write down reminders, and a list of tips and tricks for using transit. Registration also enrolls them in the Guaranteed Ride Home program, which provides the user with a cab ride home or rental car in the case of an emergency or unexpected schedule change at work. In turn, participants are required to travel to work via MetroLink or MetroBus three to four days per week over a two-month period, and take two, short surveys along the way so Citizens for Modern Transit can gain user insight and track the progression of the program.

There is no fee to participate in the Try & Ride Program. The only out-of-pocket expense is the cost of the second month of the participant’s fare. However, Citizens for Modern Transit reminds area workday commuters that many local businesses and organizations offer transit subsidies that pay for all, or a portion of, the cost to take transit. Individuals can obtain a complete listing of companies offering transit benefit programs online or by calling 314.231.7272.

Cella adds, “A lot of people rely on our region’s transit systems. In fact, the average weekday ridership on the MetroLink is over 53,000, while the MetroBus attracts even more with over 95,700. That is nearly 150,000 rides every single day. And, those numbers continue to increase. We believe those who choose to give transit a try will end up being pleasantly surprised and ultimately end up making it part of their regular commute.”

This program is sponsored in part by the St. Clair County Transit District.  Register online today!



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