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IKEA Not the Only Development Happening in Midtown

  St. Louis’s very own IKEA opens at the end of this month, but that’s not the only exciting development coming to Midtown. The St. Louis Business Journal reports that over the past two years, the area within a 2-mile radius of the new Swedish mega-store has seen over $500 million worth of development. That number … Continued

Transit included among Ferguson Commission Report’s “Signature Priorities”

The Ferguson Commission released a copy of its nearly 200-page report online this week. Along with focus on law enforcement and court reform, transportation appears among the report’s more than three dozen “signature priorities” under the category that addresses economic opportunity. The Commission’s report proposed 189 calls to action to address inequality and racial disparities … Continued

CMT wraps up FY15 on a high note

As we wrap up Fiscal Year 2015 at Citizens for Modern Transit, we can’t help but highlight some of the successes this year as an organization and for transit in this region. A little more than three decades ago CMT began its mission to introduce MetroLink to the St. Louis area. This year we had the distinct honor … Continued

MO Transit; Not just an urban issue

When we talk about transit in the State of Missouri, many times that discussion is centered around the more urban areas – St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia.   However, transit is playing a key role in more and more of the rural areas providing service to jobs, healthcare, and other essential trips. For example, OATS … Continued

CMT Transit Alliance weighs in on County’s MetroLink corridor study

The CMT Transit Alliance, representing a diverse group of organizations in the region, had the opportunity to weigh in with St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger and his staff on the selection process for the future light rail corridor study in St. Louis County this week.   St. Louis County requested the opportunity to work with … Continued

Sponsorhip opportunities for CMT Annual Meeting on Sept. 11

  Please reserve September 11, 2015 for the Citizens for Modern Transit’s 31st Annual Meeting — a culmination of a year of celebrations and activities surrounding transit in St. Louis. The organization is more committed than ever to ensure St. Louis will continue developing our award winning transit system. To mark this event, CMT will … Continued

CMT Metro Market demonstrates possibilities for MetroLink park-ride lots

CMT in partnership with Metro, Great Rivers Greenway and Beyond Housing provided a glimpse into the possibilities for MetroLink park-ride lots in the region with the CMT Metro Market on June 5 at the Rock Road MetroLink station.  Dining? Shopping? Entertainment? A Sea of Cars?  The CMT Metro Market provided area residents and visitors the … Continued

Join CMT & the Regional Chamber on a Conversation on Transit Funding

There are several significant transit expansion and service innovation proposals that have received extensive review and already enjoy substantial support in the St. Louis region.  Leading examples include the Northside/Southside light rail project, Bus Rapid Transit service, and the St. Louis Streetcar initiative.   An overall lack of funding, however, has prevented any of these (and … Continued

Define a clear strategy for future transit projects

CMT Executive Director Kim Cella’s Op-Ed as it appeared in the St. Louis Post Dispatch on May 26: East-West Gateway Council of Governments, the local planning organization for the St. Louis region, is currently soliciting public comments on its newest long-range regional transportation plan, known as Connected2045. The plan outlines $4 billion worth of projects … Continued

Weigh in on long range transportation plan for the region

The East-West Gateway Council of Governments, the local planning organization for the St. Louis region, is currently soliciting public comments on its newest long-range regional transportation plan, known as Connected2045. The plan outlines $4 billion worth of projects that are in addition to the $27 billion required over the next 29 years for maintenance. If … Continued

Don’t miss the St. Louis Earth Day Symposium – Livable Communities on June 3

St. Louis Earth Day Symposium – Livable Communities June 3, 2015, 8am – 5:30pm Saint Louis University, Il Monastero Scholarships and discounts available to ensure access for all those interested. Attendees will learn about sustainability practices that are changing the face of our cities and neighborhoods, while creating a positive environmental, social, and political impact in our … Continued

CMT honored with 2015 What’s Right with Region! Award

On May 7, 2015, FOCUS St. Louis honored 20 organizations, individuals, and initiatives that are making a difference in St. Louis at the 18th annual What’s Right with the Region! awards celebration. The honorees were nominated by the public and selected by a panel of community judges for their impact and service to the community. … Continued

CMT Metro Market highlights opportunities beyond a sea of cars around MetroLink

Beyond Housing’s First Fridays features CMT Metro Market on June 5 at Rock Road MetroLink Station Dining? Shopping? Entertainment? A Sea of Cars?  Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) in partnership with Beyond Housing, Great Rivers Greenway and Metro is helping area residents visualize the opportunities around transit beyond a sea of parking at the Rock … Continued

CMT & Creating Whole Communities look at transit’s role in development in communities

CMT & Creating Whole Communities partnered on March 12 to present Transportation’s Impact on the Neighborhood.  The program featured  Rosa Ortiz with Enterprise Community Partners on transit’s role in creating equitable development opportunities in a community.  Enterprise Community Partners has worked in communities across the country to ensure TOD is attainable along transit infrastructure corridors.   Ms. Ortiz serves as a … Continued

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